A Must Read For Everyone: I Do NOT Like Donald Trump! But…

I Do NOT Like Donald Trump! But it would be stupidity and/or evil at this point in our history not to support him vigorously!

by Butch Robinson Mirror from LettersFromTheGulag

Firstly why I don’t like Trump.  Trump’s entire life, “appears to be” about creating the “iconic assets” he loves to brag about, endlessly.  I’m of the opinion that were all Trump’s iconic assets to vaporize, the world would not have lost much.  The value of those assets are built upon brand name and hype, pride and prestige, what the Holy father’s call, “the pride of life” the endless search for the “best of the best” the “most luxurious of the most luxurious.”   So for me, who could be happy in a monk’s cell, with soup twice a day, and nothing to read but ancient books, all that fad, and chasing after the almighty buck, that Trump’s life and the “The Apprentice” represented, to me is foolishness.  Why? because I have ingrained in my soul the words, “what profit is it, if a man gains the entire world, and loses his own soul?”
The conclusion I have to draw is that Donald Trump must be a better man than me, because he has gained a great portion of “the world,” i.e. luxurious living, beautiful women, massive wealth etc., etc., and has not lost his soul. At the pinnacle of his power and wealth he turned and looked at his suffering country and suffering countrymen, and instead of saying, “Pitiful for them, I’ve got mine” or “Someone needs to do something” he realized that all that work and accumulation of wealth meant that he WAS someone, someone placed in a position with wealth and power to do something, and he immediately started sacrificing to try and save the country he loves.

Trump realized that he existed outside of the Control Mechanism, created by the Globalists, accurately described here by Harvard Professor of Law and Ethics, Dr Lessig.

When Trump entered the race, my immediate and gut instinct as a political wonk was to attack him like everyone else was attacking him. But I didn’t. I spent a week, maybe two in silence about him, though he was the hottest topic of conversation on the Web. I kept thinking about the path of his life, and all I could hear was the words of my late Orthodox Christian mentor and confessor,“We know that we are not all to go by the same worldly way because He has told us that, . . .we must learn not to judge. People are seldom as good at that as they think, and not always anxious to learn better. But the Lord may have something worldly He wants us to do, and we should always be ready to learn that or to tolerate it in others.”  I had to question if Donald Trump’s pursuit of mega wealth might not have been his “vocation” with as much and more meaning than my “vocation,” a worldly path with “purpose.”

In the middle of the night, a line in a very old movie, reminded me of Donald Trump.
“What good is making a name for yourself all over the world, if you cannot make that name mean something.”  The import in the movie was making the name have moral value and a force for the good.  Trump’s actions have proved that he understands that making Billions is one thing, making those billions COUNT, giving them MEANING more than “the pride of life” something King Solomon bemoaned, is something else.

By the way, a 100th of the wealth Trump has accumulated would have been enough to DESTROY a person of average character and discipline. My God, just look at the statistics of Lottery winners, and entertainment celebrities. For them success is often a death sentence because they lack character enough to be self-disciplined.

Upon reflection I had to realize that the discipline I feign to muster, that of a monk’s cell and humble food and clothing, would in fact be much less than the discipline Trump has exercised for the last two decades, post Marla Maples days. He testified to having witnessed the seeds of self destruction in himself at that time, and adjusting. Seeing his well adjusted adult children and his and their collective work ethic, inside the confines of that great luxury, it would take a fool not to realize that represents the character capable of self discipline, MORE than I posses, more than most posses.

On a gut level, on a personality level, I don’t like Trump because he reminds me of every fast talking New York con man that migrated south and thought he was smarter than all the “hillbillies and rednecks” in his life, and thought that he was going to make a fortune off their “slowness,” only to be bested and humiliated by those “hillbillies and rednecks” whose thought processes were faster and wiser than his mouth. The persona is so stereotyped in my experience, that truthfully, I had never given thought to the possibility that one of these fast talking B.S. artists might actually be intelligent, and capable of telling the truth.  Yet . . . When Trump speaks something is happening.

That fast talking, half sentence, CONSTANT digression of thought, that is the hallmark of any Trump talk, that is longer than a soundbite, GRATES on me.  Yet, every digression finds its object, seconds or minutes later and you discover that he is speaking not merely in linear thought, but literally weaving a tapestry, painting a picture always LARGER than the words he speaks.  I’ve come to call itsymphonic speaking or weaving a web.

It is the reason none of the other candidates can touch him, because they are scripted, they have to remember which lies they are supporting and denying today, different than yesterday, different than last week, why they have voted for and against everything. So every line is carefully written by “experts” who have “focus group tested them” . . . carefully composed one dimensional linear SOLO lines, when Trump is speaking from the heart with “uuuuuuuuuuge” intelligence, with the impromptu multiplicity and complexity of JAZZ.  What seems casually improvised is in fact, very complex, multi-rhythm, polyphonic three dimensional picture images, . . .symphonic speak, flashing into the hearer’s consciousness multi-pictures a minute.  People walk away from his speeches SEEING what he has to say.

IT would not be possible to speak in such a way, were his subconscious mind, busy remembering the necessary LIES to protect and/or promoted. This use of the mental processes has to be natural and true, or it would expose itself in a mis-woven tapestry, and would quickly degenerate into conflicting idiocy.

Example: One of these New York B.S. artists showed up in my favorite hardware store in the early 1970s. When he discovered I was a railroad engineer, he told me this story about witnessing a derailment and the engines plowing hundreds of yards through a cornfield, throwing ears of corn high in the air.  I asked, “I wonder why the engine didn’t mire up in the dirt?” He answered “it was during a drought.” I said, “even at that a million plus pound engine will dig a hole and stop.”  He said, “But it was so cold, the ground froze so hard the engine would not sink.”  If you are smart enough to understand the import of this little silly example you are not wasting your time reading.  If you don’t get, you might as well stop reading.

I never watched even a moment of Trump’s show, “The Apprentice”  not a single moment. All I know about it is from occasionally seeing some 30 second promotion of the show with the mute on.  I am NOT a fan.  But I did read the Art of the Deal, and quit halfway through, realizing that Trump had merely applied the wisdom of Sun Tsu’s the Art of War, simply modernizing its concepts for the modern business world. And that was BRILLIANT!

This leads me to the conclusion that as a strategist, both in political maneuvering in the domestic realm and the international realm, any man conversant with Sun Tsu has a leg up, and will be a brilliant strategist and commander if needed.

Do I have to like the “to me” abrasive Donald J Trump to STRONGLY support him? work for his campaign? and vote for him? Of course not. I am looking for QUALIFICATIONS, not “niceness.”  Niceness is NOT a qualification – though in the P.C. world, lots of people have been dumbed-down to think so.  Come on let us face it, Jimmy Carter was the nicest and worst president in American History until Obama. At which time Obama became the nastiest most divisive and by a magnitude of WORSE broke Carter’s record.
So the competence of the man is not controlled by a level of nice, but by a cunningly intelligent mind, versed in the Art of the Deal, and the Art of War and the strength of character to create self-discipline and dedicated WORK ethic. Donald Trump IS this and has the energy but also the self-discipline to protect his own health, for the long haul.
If you put this voice to Trump’s words, would they seem more true to you?

Why is VOTING for Trump so very important?  First let us put it in the negative so you can see how many candidates fit these negatives, wear the negatives, hold these negatives as part of their history.

In the words of Robert Zhuravin Delooze:

“Donald Trump did not steal your money.
Donald Trump did not raise your taxes.
Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of food.
Donald Trump is not stirring a race war.
Donald Trump did not leave any US soldiers in Benghazi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims.
Donald Trump did not send the US Navy to fight for Al-Qaeda*/ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
Donald Trump did not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East.
Donald Trump did not betray Israel.
Donald Trump did not provide financing and technology to Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
Donald Trump did not give our military secrets to China.
Donald Trump did not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland.*
Donald Trump did not shrivel our military, and betray our veterans.
Donald Trump did not cripple our economy.
Donald Trump did not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars.
Donald Trump did not ruin our credit, twice.
Donald Trump did not double African American unemployment.
Donald Trump did not increase welfare to a record level for eight years.
Donald Trump did not sign a law making it legal to execute, and imprison Americans.
Donald Trump did not set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay.
Donald Trump did not steal your rights, violate US Constitutional law, or commit treason, hundreds of times.
Donald Trump is being ripped apart in the news, non stop. Barrack Hussein, Hillary Clinton and the criminals occupying our government, are *protected and glorified by the same media.
The media is the (*NeoCon Republican and) Democratic Party.
Save your culture. Stop listening to them.
He has said NOTHING derogatory about MEXICANS …. He has said what American citizens KNOW….. This country has to close its borders to ILLEGAL Immigration! *Without sound borders you don’t have a nation.
Finally, someone who tells the truth! It’s what this country needs!
Donald Trump 2016 Make America Great AGAIN………
Let’s TRUMP, the Elite Establishment, this time, The DemocRATS, The RepublicRATS, and the MEDIA RATS, and take OUR Country back from the Devil!” – (* marks addition or edits.)

Now let us state it in the positive.
Is Donald Trump running against Jeb Bush, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Ted Cruz, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Marco Rubio, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Rand Paul, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Ben Carson, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Chris Christi, no not really.
Is Donald Trump running against Carly Fiorina, no not really.

And if Clinton, Sanders or Biden is the Democrat nominee, Donald Trump won’t be running against them either.
Donald Trump is threatening a COUNTER-REVOLUTION!

He is running against the Globalist Elite that own the Republican and Democrat Parties,
and own the Media,
that own all the Spin Doctors.
He is running against the establishment that controls the six corporations that own the T.V. and Radio Media, all of he major news papers and most of the small so-called independent newspapers, and 99 percent of the publishing houses; The Elite that Own and Control the Federal Reserve, and all the Western Central Banks that have held our economy hostage to their New World Order Agenda, that have literally plunged our nation into generational debt to finance their WORLD CONQUEST AGENDA, while robbing us of Constitutional Governance, and relegated our children and Grand Children to debt slavery in a quasi-Marxist Poverty State.
This ELECTION is between Donald Trump and the Globalist Criminals that control every aspect of our Government, every NGO that is pushing a Globalist agenda, from the Rockefeller Foundation, and the likes of George Soros, UNESCO to USAID.

You need to FOCUS and decide, whether or not you want another Globalist Puppet of the Elite, or an America FIRST Nationalist, with a 30 plus year history of advocating an America FIRST Agenda.

And if you doubt that Trump is running against the establishment I just defined for you, the Republican/Democrat Globalist Duopoly, I submit the following proof.



September 30th, 2015:
Here is a summary of the CIA Media’s assault on Donald Trump over the last 100 days. If you have watched the saga of this MASSIVE CIA Psychological Operation you will recognize most, if not all of these bullet points. Each one of these are attempted “meme generators.”
*He won’t run

*He’s not serious

*He has funny hair, we hate funny hair

*Bankruptcy!!! OH NOES! (pretend it’s not legal, mmmkay?)

*He won’t file his candidacy papers

*He’s never held public office. He can’t win.

*He won’t connect with the voters

*He’s finished if he doesn’t apologize to Univision

*He’s finished if he doesn’t apologize to Nascar

*He’s finished if he doesn’t apologize to Macy’s

*He’s finished if he doesn’t apologize to ESPN

*He’s finished if he doesn’t apologize to McCain

*He’s finished if he doesn’t apologize on demand, period.

*He’ll never poll well. He’s finished.

*He’ll never lead in the polls. He’s finished.

*He’ll never file his financials. He’s finished.

*He’s offended all veterans. He’s finished.

*He thinks raping his wife is dandy. He’s finished.

*Some contrived, bizzaro crap about breastfeeding. WTF?

*He’s against Amnesty. He’s finished.

*He’s for Amnesty. He’s finished.

*Just scream Amnesty…it’ll dazzle everybody

*He doesn’t really want to be President. He’s finished.

*He said stuff about blood! OMG OMG! He’s finished!

*He’ll be exposed in the debates and fail miserably. He’s finished.

*Frank Luntz said Trump has collapsed. He’s finished.

*Redstate claims he won’t make it to Iowa. He’s finished.

*George Will says Trump can’t sit down to tea & talk to voters. Finished!

*He’s offended all women. He’s finished.

*He’s just a carnival barker. He’s finished.

*He won’t last,he’s done after tomorrow….err..next week…err…next month

*He can’t defeat Bush, He’s finished.

*Megyn Kelly claims Trump hates women, calls them fat pigs and tramps. Trump is Finished!

*Trump admits he hates only Rosie O’Donnald.  He’s Finished. *He can’t beat Hillary ,it’s already been decided, He’s finished.

*He’s finished if he doesn’t apologize to Megyn Kelly

*He falsely claimed he’s Batman. He’s Finished.

*He insulted Mexicans again by beating up poor Jorge Ramos, He’s finished.

*He’s not a REAL conservative (in Spanish!), He’s finished.

*He won’t sign the Pledge. He’s a jerk. He’s finished.

*He DID sign the Pledge. He’s a jerk.. He’s finished.

*He thinks Candidates should speak English! OH THE HORROR! He’s finished.

*He failed the Hugh Hewitt Trivia Quiz of Crap, He’s finished.

*Foreign policy is much more important than  immigration. Trump is finished.

*His 5 second comment re: Syrian Refugees = Detailed Amnesty Policy! He’s finished.

*He joked about Carly’s face! OMG OMG OMG. He’s finished!

*He won’t apologize to Carly. He’s Finished.

*He won’t apologize to Carson. He’s Finished.

*He can’t win without the Evangelicals. He’s Finished.

*Bobby Jindal called him names. He’s Finished.

*Ben Carson questions Trump’s faith. OMG! He’s finished.

*The country wants a Minister not a CEO. He’s Finished!

*Scott Walker drops out. This is bad for Trump. He’s finished!,

*Greg Gutfield thinks Trump is a clown. He’s Finished!

*His poll numbers are down. He’s still in the lead. He’s Finished!

*Trump won’t give us details. He’s finished!

*Trump releases 2nd Amend policy details. Ignore it! He’s finished!

*He’s finished if he doesn’t apologize to all Muslims.

*Carly won the debate. His poll numbers are down. He’s finished!

*Trump fatigue is upon the electorate. He’s Finished!

*Some random dude said “Obama is a Muslim”. It’s Trump’s fault. He’s finished.

*Trump MUST apologize for random “Obama is a Muslim” dude

*He’s finished if he won’t apologize to Jeb!s wife – Courtesy Sundance @ ConservativeTreeHouse dot com. 

(The Orthodox Christian Philosopher – Trump is Finished)
Days 100 Plus:
*He hasn’t put his Tax Plan to paper. He’s a jerk. He’s Finished
*He put his Tax Plan to paper. He’s a jerk He’s
*Most economist really love his Tax Plan. He’s Finished.

*His Tax Plan gambles on creating a vibrant economy, He’s Finished!

*Marco Rubio has found his Death Star weakness, Trump’s vanity and personal insecurity. He’s Finished!

*Trump says, “Let Russia battle ISIS, why do we have to do everything?” He’s Finished!

*Trump says he will join the Russians in “Bombing the Shit out of ISIS!” He’s Finished!*If someone beats up an illegal alien, He’s Finished!

*If someone attacks a Mosque in America, He’s Finished!

*Rubio won’t participate in Trump’s “freak show,” He’s Finished!

*Rand Paul calls Trump “a clown,” He’s Finished!

*Jeb Bush tells Trump he “needs to put on his big boy pants,”  He’s Finished!

*The Loser, Mitt Romney says, “Trump will not be the nominee,” He’s Finished!

* “Donald Trump Cancels Q&A, So says Hispanic Chamber of Commerce,”  He’s Finished.

* “Hillary Clinton Mocks Trump on Saturday Night Live,” He’s Finished.

* “Contractors who contracted with Trump on his many hundreds of business projects employed illegal immigrants,” He’s Finished.

* 10.5.15 – Some Pollster said that “Trump’s popularity has peeked,”  He’s Finished.

* “Trump University, Donald Trump’s Real Estate School, shut down following the Economic and Real Estate Crash of 2008,”  He’s Finished!

* 10/7/2015, Donald Trump leading EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE, by very LARGE MARGINS. Joe Scarborough says,  “With these numbers at this date, if it were anyone but Trump, the media and the party would be saying, ‘Game Over.'” BUT, It is obvious that Donald Trump is FINISHED!

*AS of 10/7/2015, Donald Trump leads in ALL THE POLLS in EVERY STATE and has spent much less money than all the other “top” candidates.  It is grossly OBVIOUS that Donald Trump is FINISHED!  The question now is how does he gracefully bow out of the game?
* Donald Trump and “Imminent Domain” . . . now this is his REAL Achilles Heel.  He’s Finished!

* Megyn Kelly appears on the Charlie Rose show, sounding “tail-tucked” and says she “really does not want to feud with Donald Trump, that it hurts her, hurts Fox News, and hurts Donald Trump,” the latter is true of course, you can see how Donald is suffering. Obviously, He is Finished!

*Way back in the Dark Ages, Donald Trump did an Interview for Playboy Magazine. He’s Finished!

* Trump at the top of all polls and New York Times says that “Donald Trump is looking for exist strategy.”  He’s Finished!


* Lauren Batchelder, Jeb Bush’s plant asks snarky questions and acts snarky at Jon Huntsman’s fake group called “No Labels” (the real label is Mormon Republican Establishment Group.) Donald Trump is Finished.  

*Obama says Trump will not win the nomination.  Trump is Finished!

* Donald Trump received nearly 4 million dollars in UNSOLICITED contributions in the 3rd quarter, when he was SUPPOSED to be self-funding. He’s FINISHED.

* Donald Trump forces CNBC to change their format and keep the debate length to 2 hours instead of 3.5 hours.  That’s it – Trump is FINISHED!

* Trump mentions that 9/11 happened on President Bush’s watch.  How dare he!  He is Finished!

* Secretary of State John (the perjurer) Kerry said that Donald Trump is not qualified to be President because he does not believe in Global Warming.  That’s it!  Trump is finished!

* It was revealed that Donald Trump voted against this guy.  Like I said, Donald Trump has always been an America FIRST nationalist, and has never knowingly voted for a New World Order Psychopath – Of course this means that Trump is Finished. 

* 10/21/2015 – It’s official, Trump is way ahead in the polls for five months running, and ahead in EVERY state and national poll by a LOT!  More than ever, it is obvious that he is FINISHED!

* Carl Icahn launches super PAC to support Donald Trump, with $150 million, biggest one-time injection, ever!  Now Trump is certainly Finished!

*Icahn says super Pac is not to support Trump but to educate people about Corporate Inversion! Trump is finished.

*Two very thin (suspect) polls in Iowa say that Trump is trailing Ben Carson.  This has to be it. This time for sure. He’s Finished!

* 10/26/2015 Jeb Bush says that he has “lots of cool things to do . . . if you want Trump, well, Vote for him!”  Oh my God, Trump is really finished now.

* 10/28/2015 Trump wins the CNBC Debate according to all the large post debate polls.  RT America describes the debate as, “Trump’s last stand?”  Oh no! Trump is Finished!

* 11/4/2015 All the media is constantly calling Ben Carson the “Front Runner” and claiming that “Trump is Trailing Carson” – NOW, he is REALLY Finished.
But . . . .

*Trump makes SNL promo where he calls Ben Carson, “A total loser.” Trump is Finished!

*Trump appears on Saturday Night Live, and was funny. Trump is Finished!

*Trump drew twice the audience as Hillary on SNL, a four year record audience. Trump is Finished!

*Ben Carson caught in plagiarizing scandal. Opps, never mind. Carson just did not understand the concept of plagiarism. Trump is Finished!

*Ben Carson caught lying about his association with Mannatech. Trump is Finished!

*Ben Carson caught sensationalizing his biography. Trump is Finished!

*Ben Carson tried to hit his mother with a hammer. Trump is Finished!

*Ben Carson tried to stab a friend and they made a movie about it.  Trump is Finished!

*Ben Carson chased people with bricks and baseball bats. Trump is Finished!

*At the debate, Ted Cruz can’t name the Departments of Government he plans to close, just like Rick Perry in 2012. Trump is finished!

* Carly Fiorina said she met Putin in a Greenroom. Trump is Finished!

* Carly Fiorina said she did NOT meet Putin in a Greenroom.  Trump is Finished!

*Trump complains about Carly Fiorina constantly interrupting others during the debate. Trump is a son-of-a-bitch, He is Finished!

*Trump was polite and differential at the debate. Trump is a son-of-a-bitch, He is Finished!

NOVEMBER 11TH, 2015 2:14
NY Times Delivers Slobbering Wet Kiss to Trump on Debate Day – Trump is Finished!

* Reporter claims Donald Trump called for a data base to track all Muslim in America.  He is Finished!

* Some Black Lives matter provocateur got roughed up at a Trump Rally for acting like an ass.  That’s it, Trump is Finished!

* Liz Mair, the former online communications director of the Republican National Committee has started a Pac, so that the RNC could secretly try to sink Trump.  He is FINISHED!

* Trump says Black Lives matter guy was acting nasty and deserved to be roughed up.  Damn, Way to Go Don . . . . I mean . . eh . . .er . .Trump is Finished!

* Trump said that Muslims in New Jersey Cheered the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11.  I saw the same raw footage he did that day. They DID cheer and celebrate.  But still it has to mean that Trump is FINISHED!

* A black homosexual commentator for the Washington Post says that Donald Trump is destroying America and that people who support him are DEVIANTS! – That’s it Trump is Finished!

* Virginia historians say that Trump has mislabeled part of one of his golf courses on the Potomac river as a historic battle ground.  How could such a thing happen. Mr Trump have you no conscience?  Have you no decency? Trump is FINISHED!


* The Boston Globe says that the GOP establishment is frightened that Donald Trump will tarnish their image.  (after falling in the floor with laughter I have to say) Obviously this is it. Now, Trump is Finished!
* Donald Trump mocks a lying spastic ex-New York Times reporter, who retracted his own 14 year old story about Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11, because the story proved Trump RIGHT!  Oh my God! A Spastic Reporter!  Trump is FINISHED!

* Donald Trump didn’t mock this lying Washington Post/New York Times reporter, Serge F. Kovaleski, because he is a spastic. He mocked him because he is a LYING spastic. This LYING spastic, claims that he does not remember writing the story about witnessing the Muslim’s celebrating in New Jersey on 9/11. You don’t forget such a thing, you JUST DON’T.  But Still – TRUMP is FINISHED!


Sarasota Florida, Trump had to give two speeches today. The venue was for 5000 people and 12 to 15 THOUSAND people showed. So Trump gave two speeches. Obviously this is just another symptom of Trump’s failing campaign. He’s FINISHED.
Herman Cain cleverly does not actually endorse Donald Trump. Trump is FINISHED!

* Nicolle Wallace Accuses Trump Supporters of ‘Sinister Sentiments’ – Oh! My! God! Surely he is finished now!
* December 2, 2015 Trump still dominating all the polls.

* Trump suggests prosecuting or killing the family members that collude with their Terrorist relatives. Say it isn’t so Don!  Say you won’t accept “un-indicted co-conspirators”!  Trump is FINISHED.


*Following Jihadi attack in San Bernardino killing 14 and wounding many more. Obama said, “Surrender your arms so I can protect you.” Trump said, “Arm yourselves, take responsibility for your own safety, you are the first line of defense against these Jihadis.”  It is clear that Trump is Insane. He’s Finished.

December 2, 2015 Trump still dominating all the polls.

December 7th, 2015.
OH MY GOD! Can’t he just SHUT UP!
Donald Trump says that since we are facing an Islamic Jihadi Insurgency, as evidenced by the events of San Bernardino, we need to halt Muslim Immigration until we understand what we are dealing with.  This is IT, Trump is FINISHED!

December 8th, 2015
Chris Christie says that Donald Trump’s statement about halting Muslim Immigration “demonstrates what you get when you are dealing with someone without governing experience.”

But that has to mean, he is finished. Right?
* Obama and other Globalist Puppets scream that Donald Trump is un-qualified to be president!  Trump is Finished !

*Petition to ban Trump from UK passes 300K, could be debated in Parliament. For SURE Trump is finished now!* All Republican candidates scream that Trump’s Immigration ban is un-constitutional.  All legal experts prove them wrong. Trump is OVER, TOAST.

1952 Immigration statute and current law.

* Rand Paul back-peddles and says that Trump is right on Jihadi Immigration – Now Trump is REALLY finished!

* Ted Cruz back-peddles and offer legislation in the Senate very similar to Trump’s proposal – A Sure Sign Trump is FINISHED!

* Just like I state in July of 2015, that the last resort to stump Trump would be to try to brand him as a new Hitler and his supporters as 21st Century Brown Shirts, Nazis and Fascists.  – Surely Trump is Finished now?

* The Fact that Trump is drawing crowds in the thousands and tens of thousand, is the most obvious sign that he is FINISHED!  It is just a matter of time.

*Besides, Jeb Bush assured us that Trump would be sinking before the NEXT Debate in mid-December! He’ll be finished or at least on his way out by then.
* Oh God no!  I can’t Be!   December 10th 2015
 * Oh but we have five days to turn this thing around, so that Jeb Bush doesn’t look like a total buffoon! – of course Trump is finished!  These polls and huge crowds, that is just smoke and mirrors, all in your mind. Go Back to sleep!  Trump is Finished, Trump is Finished, Trump is Finished!


Since Trump began to rise in the pools we have found out that virtually every espoused position of the “conservative media” was a total ruse. The Salem Media group primarily among them.
Red State (Eric Erickson) now finds himself proclaiming that Jeb Bush is the most conservative governor he’s ever known. Web sites like Twitchy, Hot Air, Human Events, Michelle Malkin and National Review suddenly singing the praises of a Jeb Bush they formerly said was just another GOP establishment sell out.
Jeb goes from RINO villain to GOP hero faster than you can say Donald Trump.

“Conservative” punditry like George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Stephen Hayes, Charles Lane, Rich Lowry, Jonah Goldberg and many more opining on all media a previously hidden “open borders” position. All of a sudden they are telling us walls will never work, illegal aliens are the bedrock of the U.S. social fabric and it’s profoundly unfair to even contemplate their deportation. Oh, the humanity.
That’s a serious dose of sunlight upon a previously hidden agenda. *BTW even Breitbart has reported false stories about Trump.
Wow, what a ride!
Speaking of Breitbart, did you know this?
NOTICE: Andrew Breitbart is not channeling from the grave. He has been DEAD for four years, and a world of disclosures and events have happened since then.

Anything that Andrew Breitbart has to say, was in a context of 20 percent of the knowledge we hold four years later.

Those people who paid his WIDOW for the rights to his brand name and the name Breitbart Dot Com – are NOW the mind behind the name.

Who is that mind, who is NOW behind the Breitbart Brand Name? He is the Open Borders, Globalist, Hedge-fund billionaire Robert Mercer.

When you see the name Breitbart, you MUST erase from your mind Andrew, who was our hero, who we all loved, and replace it with the image of this man. This Open Borders, Globalist, Hedge-fund billionaire Robert Mercer, who OWNS Ted Cruz.

By the way, Donald Trump actually made reference this article from my Letters From the Gulag Blog Site.

Ted and Heidi Cruz – An Introduction

Source: Letters From the Gulag : I Do NOT Like Donald Trump!

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Donald Trump – Superstar!


Benghazi Survivors Endorsed Donald Trump – Hillary Must Be Livid!

The slaughter of Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty in Benghazi, as a result of the Obama administration’s and Hillary Clinton’s tragic and criminal decision to let these men die has weighed heavily on all Conservatives minds. Liberals? They couldn’t care less. Black lives matter, cops are evil and give us our free shit.

Can you imagine having this murderer, Hillary Clinton as our president? For God’s sake, she is nothing more than an evil, senile corrupt old hag that isn’t fit to legitimately run a lemonade stand. Just like Hussein, our Muslim in chief.

Clinton is scandalous and like I said, she is directly responsible for the deaths of these four Americans in Benghazi.

 The patriots who survived the terrorist attack agree- and that’s why they are backing DONALD TRUMP for President!


As America’s Freedom Fighters previously reported, security operators Mark “Oz” Geist, Kris “Tanto” Paronto and John “Tig” Tiegen were at the secret CIA annex which is about 1 mile away from the compound when the attacks began. They reflected on the events and what they have to say completely destroys the story that Clinton and Obama put out there for the public.

They insisted they were ready to go help but were told by a CIA officer to stand down even as distress calls were coming in from the compound.

Tiegen told Megyn that he was surprised during the attack that they were given a “stand-down” order and offered no help, even after Amb. Chris Stevens had been missing for hours.

Tiegen said that Tontos was told to “wait twice and he (the CIA officer) told me to stand down.”

The heroes decided to defy their orders and headed to the consulate during the attack to help save the lives of the people that were trapped inside. When they requested back-up they were apparently denied- no one ever arrived.

“13 hours. Nobody comes. That’s the big deal,” Tanto said.

What these brave men did is nothing but heroic!

The men revealed that if they had been given the green light to go in when the first distress calls were received that the four men who lost their lives in the gruesome attack would definitely still be alive today!

Hillary Clinton and the White House have relied on Congressional investigations that concluded there was no “stand-down” order given at the annex.

Paronto said it’s “just silly” and Tiegen pointed out that investigators believed everything else the men testified about.

“It’s kind of funny. Everything we testified to, they agreed with us 100 percent. Pretty much from us eating a candy bar to shooting all our ammo, but for some reason they don’t want to believe that we were told to stand down,” said Tiegen.

Geist said that despite the lack of help from the U.S. military, he was confident that their team, which had nearly 100 combined years of experience in counter-insurgency operations, would overcome the odds.

 The testimonies from these men as well as many others confirm what we all know- Clinton, Obama and a score of other corrupt official let these men die- FOR NO REASON AT ALL! It also confirms that they lied to the American public over and over. Yet the mainstream media refuses to report the truth and choose to hammer those of us that DEMAND the truth labeling us RIGHT WING WACKOS!

Call me what you will but these scumbags that let our men die in Benghazi are LEFT WING TRAITORS, TRASH, FILTH AND BELONG IN PRISON.

Look, Hillary lied and 4 men died. End of story.

These patriots are backing DONALD TRUMP!

We have to defeat Hillary or else America will be destroyed for eternity.

Source: Benghazi Survivors Just Backed THIS Candidate

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{Video} First Experiment With Socialism Was Almost The Death of America, Just Ask The Pilgrims…

On September 16, 1620, the Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England with 102 souls on board.

The Pilgrims were initially organized as a Collectivist society.  Their contract with their European sponsoring businessmen stipulated that they would function as a Socialist group with each person contributing to the common good and in turn each receiving an equal share of the produce.  The Plymouth Colony, its buildings, and its lands would all be owned in common.

Since the Pilgrims did not have enough funds to outfit for the journey and establish a colony, they sought help from the Virginia Company of London and the Virginia Company of Plymouth, companies known as “adventurers,” which were organized to fund and equip colonial enterprises.

William Bradford, Governor of Plymouth Colony, composed the 1620 Mayflower Compact during the voyage.  Its purpose was to codify an agreement among the 102 settlers, including his 40 Pilgrims, to live together and to function as a group.  All were to be treated justly and equally no matter what their religious beliefs, a truly revolutionary concept for the time.

One of the key points of the contract between the Pilgrims and the Adventurers said that all colonists were to get their food, clothing, drink and provisions from the colony’s “common stock and goods.” In addition, during the first seven years, all profits earned by colonists would go into the “common stock” until they were divided.

“Today we would call this a socialist commune,” Patton wrote. “In other words, the Pilgrims accepted the socialist principle, ‘from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.’ Each person was to place his production into the common warehouse and receive back, through the Governor, only what he needed for himself or his family. The surplus after seven years was to be divided equally, along with the houses, lands, and chattels, ‘betwixt the Adventurers and Planters.’”

The Pilgrims actually wanted to own their own lands and homes and to work two days a week for their own gain, but the adventurers would not allow it.

Once the agreement was signed, two ships were outfitted for the journey, the Speedwell and theMayflower. But the Speedwell proved unseaworthy, so everyone still willing to make the journey—102 persons—crowded aboard the Mayflower and set sail.

Patton wrote that after landing on Dec 21, 1620, the Pilgrims suffered horribly their first winter, with around half the colonists perishing. Aid from the now-famous native, Squanto, helped them survive with new planting techniques, but the harvests of 1621 and 1622 were still small.

The colony’s governor, William Bradford, wrote that its socialist philosophy greatly hindered its growth: Young men resented working for the benefit of other men’s wives and children without compensation; healthy men who worked thought it unjust that they received no more food than weak men who could not; wives resented doing household chores for other men, considering it a kind of slavery.

Governor Bradford wrote that to avoid famine in 1623, the Pilgrims abandoned socialism, Patton said.

“At length, after much debate of things, the Governor (with the advice of the chiefest amongst them) gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular, and in that regard trust to themselves; in all other things to go on in the general way as before. And so assigned to every family a parcel of land,” Bradford wrote.

The colonists, each of whom now had to grow their own food, suddenly became very industrious, with women and children who earlier claimed weakness now going into the fields to plant corn. Three times the amount of corn was planted that year under the new system.

When a drought threatened the year’s harvest, Governor Bradford called a day of fasting and prayer to “seek the Lord by humble and fervent prayer in this great distress.” God answered that same night with rain that continued in coming days, and the year brought a plentiful harvest.

Governor William Bradford realized Socialism was not going to work.  He wisely abolished the Socialist principles on which the Plymouth Colony had been founded.  Each family was then given a plot of land to farm and harvest for themselves.  The settlers kept what they produced for themselves.

The Colony quickly became prosperous with more than sufficient food for everyone.  They produced enough food and other goods to open a trading post where they traded with the local Indians.

“By the fall of 1624, the colonists were able to export a full boat load of corn!” Patton wrote. “And the Pilgrims settled with the Adventurers. They purchased the Adventurers stock in the colony and completed the transition to private property and free markets.”

With the profits they created, the settlers quickly paid off their sponsors.  News of their prosperity spread, encouraging others to brave the perils of the New World and to enjoy its early blessings of liberty and prosperity.

William Bradford wrote in his Journal,

“The experience that we had in this common course and condition, tried sundry years…that by taking away property, and bringing community into a common wealth, would make them happy and flourishing – as if they were wiser than God.”

“For this community (so far as it was) was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much employment that would have been to their benefit and comfort. For young men that were most able and fit for labor and service did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without [being paid] that was thought injustice.”

“This [free enterprise] had very good success, for it made all hands industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been.”

Long before Karl Marx and Barack Obama, America’s early settlers quickly learned that the principles of Socialism resulted in economic disaster and extensive personal suffering.  These people at Plymouth Colony did not try to perfect Socialism.  They quickly and permanently eliminated Socialism.

William Bradford and his fellow settlers were out of reach of their European masters and their business sponsors.  They were the start of our great experiment in Liberty.  They were free to work for their own benefit without fear that their government would take liberally from what they produced.  They sowed the seeds of Liberty, religious freedom, and free enterprise that eventually led to the American Revolution, American Exceptionalism, and the achievement of the American Dream.

What would William Bradford think of the modern attempt to perfect Socialism over the past century?  What would he think of the attack by President Obama and other Socialists on American Exceptionalism and the pursuit of the American Dream?  What would William Bradford tell us to do as our government plans to take over, regulate, and socialize major amounts of our economy?

If we do not understand our history, we will fail greatly.  We are on the brink of wasting and destroying what generations of hard work and sacrifice have taken centuries to achieve.

It is time to recall that our Constitution preserves our right to work without a monarch or other despot taking that which we have gathered.  It is a time to remember that we are free people who are able to take care of our families and to do that which we believe will be of the greatest benefit for our families and for us.

Without Liberty there is no abundance.  Without Liberty the quality of life and goods deteriorates.  Only a free people can produce and maintain an abundant prosperity and a civilized culture.  Without Liberty common sense, common virtue, and common decency quickly become uncommon.

None realized better the value of Liberty than our Founding Fathers and those who labored and fought with them to gain our freedom from a monarchy.  Our new government was established to protect and serve We the People and to leave us otherwise alone.  The people did not serve the government.  As such, the people became citizens and not subjects.

The goal of our rulers now is to remove our Liberty and to purposely destroy our prosperity with mandated Socialism.  Our government cannot spend money better or more wisely than we can.  Wealth redistribution will not cure laziness nor will it promote national security, education, better health, happiness, or anything even vaguely representing prosperity.

Socialism is Evil and there is no refining it.

One Source & Google: Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

How To Build The Trump Wall {VIDEO}

What would it take to build the U.S./Mexico border wall Donald Trump says he’ll put up if he is elected President? Designers, engineers and architects sound off on possible materials, and timeline.

But first, the Problem analysed…


Now take a quick look at what Liberals consider a “secure border” that we have now. Of the total of almost 2000 miles, this is typical or better than most of the only 650 miles that have “protection.”


Ariel footage showing  the massive gap, miles of completely unprotected border.


Some areas, such as Elpaso, TX, have proven that a REAL wall will work.


The master of the art of the deal says the Mexicans will pay for it. And they will, because they can’t afford not to. The U.S.-Mexico trade deficit was $50 billion for 2014. It was about $54 billion for the first 11 months of 2015. That means Mexico sold the United States $54 billion more in goods and services than the United States sold to Mexico.

READ MORE about Trump’s border plans and immigration reform.


Here is what some engineers have speculated for the construction, cost, and time frame involved. As with most engineers, I think they are overdoing it a bit, but it’s probably near the ballpark.





Marco Rubio: Poor Little Rich Boy Runs Into Real Estate Trouble – What A Tangled Web!

When it comes to sheer brazen corruption, chicanery and dishonesty there is one candidate who stands head and shoulders above everyone else and that is the right-wing Cuban-American and Tea Party darling Senator Marco Rubio of—naturally—the great State of Florida.

Mr. Rubio’s entire public image—the child of poor Cuban immigrants fleeing the repression of Castro’s Cuba who pulled himself up by his bootstraps and even now is a simple José Sixpack and family man—is less tethered to reality thanThe Wizard of Oz. For example, in his autobiography, An American Son: A Memoir, Mr. Rubio describes how he allegedly grew up poor and mowed the grass and walked dogs to make a bit of spare change. Technically this may be correct, but most poor kids don’t get paid by relatives heavily involved in narcotics trafficking and whose pets double as guard dogs for a drug cartel, as was the case with young Marco, a federal indictment shows. (See these articles for more on young Marco’s upbringing.)

But it was only after getting into politics that Mr. Rubio really started making big money—and he made it very quickly.

But it was only after getting into politics that Mr. Rubio really started making big money—and he made it very quickly, with the help of a few intimate companions—especially after taking over as Florida House majority leader and whip in early 2003. In fact, his income nearly tripled during the two years—from $122,000 to $330,000, based on financial disclosure forms—and spiked again in 2008, which may be tied to the fact that he became Florida House speaker in November 2006. 

Mr. Rubio was able to cash in in spectacular fashion because Florida’s preposterously flaccid political rules allow politicians to simultaneously hold public office and work as “consultants” to major law and lobbying firms—much like the arrangement that recently landed Sheldon Silver in prison in New York. That means that they technically can’t “lobby” but do it anyway and call it “ .” So, for example, when Mr. Rubio became House majority leader in 2003 he went to work for the powerhouse lobbying firm of Broad and Cassell, which is precisely the point where disclosure forms reveal a giant spike in his income.


Then, when Mr. Rubio stepped down from the House in 2008 (two years before he ran and won a U.S. Senate seat) he became partner in another law/lobbying firm—Florida Strategic Consultants—with the wife of a notoriously corrupt Florida politician and lobbyist named Esteban Bovo, sometimes known as “El Bobo.” (El Bobo’s wife, Vivian Bovo, had been Mr. Rubio’s top aide in the House.) While working at the firm, Mr. Rubio scored fat contracts from Miami Children’s Hospital and Jackson Memorial Hospital. Meanwhile, El Bobo was in position to appropriate money for the hospitals as chairman of a subcommittee of the Florida House Budget Committee. It was a win-win for Mr. Rubio and the Bovo clan.

Meanwhile, Mr. Rubio was making more money on two highly suspicious real estate deals. In the first, Mr. Rubio had a little help from Mark Cereceda, a chiropractor with a lengthy rap sheet. I should note here that after Dr. Cereceda lent a financial hand, Mr. Rubio flipped his position on a key issue of great import to the chiropractor.

Here are the key details: In 2003, Mr. Rubio bought his first house (at 6247 14th Street SW in West Miami) for $175,000, putting zero money down. He put it up for sale in 2005 but had difficulty selling it because of a weak local real estate market. But gracias a Dios, Dr. Cereceda’s mama, Nora Cereceda (now deceased), bought Mr. Rubio’s house in 2007 for $380,000 cash, netting Mr. Rubio a profit of about $205,000. Que suerte!


Shortly after Mr. Rubio sold the house, he did a 180-degree rotation on a key insurance bill for which Dr. Cereceda had been lobbying. Whereas he had previously been an outspoken opponent of the measure—indeed, he was described in one local press item at the time as “the main holdout”—he ended up voting for the legislation, which required Florida drivers to purchase $10,000 worth of personal injury Insurance.

Many of Dr. Cereceda’s clients were injured drivers who paid him with insurance money. And by the way, reported cases of personal injury fraud immediately soared in Florida after the measure passed.

Dr. Cereceda has a lengthy arrest record both prior to and after his mama bought Mr. Rubio’s house. In 2003, he was arrested on charges of Aggravated Assault With A Deadly Weapon. Two years later, he was arrested for Felony Battery and also for Disorderly Conduct, and then in 2013 he was busted forrunning an illegal political contribution scheme by which he ordered his employees to contribute to political campaigns in their names and then he and his relatives reimbursed them. The doctor got off light. He was sentenced to house arrest and given probation.

Dr. Cereceda has been a big donor to Ana Maria Pando, a disgraced former Hialeah branch county court judge, who wrote a letter to state authorities—on official letterhead—asking that Dr. Cereceda’s company be reinstated after it got into some legal trouble. Pando was later convicted for taking a bribe from Dr. Cereceda, who ratted her out.

Now let’s turn to Mr. Rubio’s second surprisingly profitable real estate deal. It involves his current Miami-area residence, which he bought in December 2005 for $550,000. He put only 10 percent down on the house, and took out a $495,000 mortgage. Then, just 37 days later, he took out a $135,000 home equity loan (which he initially failed to disclose on his financial disclosure form) on the property. 
A book about Greer called The Chairman: The Rise and Betrayal of Jim Greer has some juicy anecdotes about Mr. Rubio and David Rivera, Mr. Rubio’s one-time best friend and roommate as well as a noted womanizer and former Florida State House member and federal congressman. (A number of other top officials at the U.S. Century Bank were major political supporters of Mr. Rubio’s.) Mr. Rubio bought the house from a shell company called Sanval Boats LLC and no one knows who controlled that entity and hence who he in fact bought it from. But we do know that Mr. Rubio got very generous terms to finance the house from Miami’s U.S. Century Bank, whose CEO was a former head of the Florida Republican Party named Jim Greer, who later went to jail for money laundering.

A passage from the book reads:

“There was an indication that Rubio had an affair,” said Greer. A woman who had worked in his legislative office when he was Speaker of the House abruptly left and got a job at Florida International University as a part-time professor. Emails she had sent him through her college account had become public record. Our opposition research specialist said the emails included things like, “I have to talk to you right now. I cant take this anymore. Why arent you returning my calls?” To an oppositional researcher the Crist campaign had hired, it appeared there had been a close relationship between the two and that Rubio had broken it off.”

In any event, Mr. Rubio’s $135,000 home equity loan was granted only because U.S. Century Bank mysteriously reappraised its worth upwards by about one-third, to $735,000, little more than a month after he purchased the property. “It looks a lot like somebody’s currying favor with an important political person,” one real estate analyst said of Mr. Rubio’s real estate dealings in a 2008 story that ran in a Miami newspaper. “People off the street don’t get this deal.”

It’s worth pointing out here that Miami-Dade County assessors put the market value of the house at $503,000 in 2006, some 50 percent less than US Century Bank’s appraisal at the same time. The house’s assessed value topped out the following year at $540,401 and last year county assessors estimated its worth at a mere $400,492, an increase from $391,443 in 2013.


David Rivera’s former girlfriend, Ana Alliegro, is currently under house arrest for her role in a complicated campaign finance/bribery scheme allegedly masterminded by Mr. Rivera, who helped her flee to Nicaragua before she was apprehended and turned over to U.S. authorities. Mr. Rivera is under investigation in the scheme, but the case has been stalled for months, infuriating Ms. Alliegro, who has publicly denounced Mr. Rivera and said she wants him to go to prison. I’m told by a few well-placed sources that Ms. Alliegro knows everything about Mr. Rubio, including the names of a number of his lady friends—more coming on that—but I was unable to reach her.

Mr. Rubio and David Rivera met in 1992, when both worked for the campaign of Florida Congressman Lincoln Díaz-Balart, and have been bosom buddies ever since. According to a Politico story, Mr. Rivera advised and stumped for Mr. Rubio in his first campaign for the state House in 2000. Mr. Rubio repaid the favor and helped Mr. Rivera win a House seat two years later. In 2006, Mr. Rivera played a key role in getting Mr. Rubio selected as the first Cuban-American speaker of the Florida House.

Anyway, Mr. Rivera is just a generally shady guy. (In 2012, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington named him one of the most corrupt members of the House.) He was investigated by Florida law enforcement authorities in 2004 over a $1 million contract he received to promote a ballot initiative pushed by a Florida gambling magnate named Alex Havenick. Mr. Havenick’s family has long thrived in Florida’s notoriously crooked dog track betting industry, whose roots trace back to Meyer Lanksy, Al Capone’s CFO. Mr. Rivera was not charged in the case.

There’s a lot more about all of this below and I should probably get on to the topic of Mr. Rubio’s lady friends, but first (and relatedly) I need to discuss a third house that Mr. Rubio owned, or co-owned anyway, with Mr. Rivera, the former House member and skirt chaser. This house is located in Tallahassee, the state capitol, where a lot of lobbyists work, including a few who are close friends of Mr. Rubio’s.

There is, for example, Bridget Nocco of Smith & Ballard (now known as Ballard Partners), a former top staffer in the Florida House who raised oodles of cash for Mr. Rubio when he served in the state congress and who is now “known nationally as a top-tier Republican fundraiser,” and who over the years has traveled with Mr. Rubio and gotten paid quite well from several of his dubious political action committees. (She did not return a phone call seeking comment.)


Mr. Rubio is also extraordinarily close to another lobbyist, but this one—Dana Hudson—is a vegetarian, according to her Twitter feed, lives in the Washington, D.C., area, and advocates on behalf of Homeland Security. Note here that Mr. Rubio does not serve on the Senate Homeland Security Committee, but the subject is dear to him, as one can immediately discern from his official website. Based on her tweets, the perky blonde Ms. Hudson is mad for Mr. Rubio, who she talks about obsessively, and is clearly a passionate supporter of his presidential campaign. For example, on January 6, when campaign consultant and “Jesus-follower” Gary Marx signed on with Mr. Rubio, Ms. Hudson tweeted, “@Garymarx very excited u joined #TeamMarco! Let’s do this! and elect @marcorubio #POTUS.” (Ms. Hudson did not return a message left at her office, nor did she reply to messages left via Twitter and Facebook. I should also note here that Ms. Alliegro, the former girlfriend of David Rivera, has suggested that Ms. Hudson traveled with her former boyfriend and knew him well.)

Anyway, let’s return now to the house in Tallahassee—at 1484 Bent Willow Drive in an area called Timber Lakes—that Mr. Rubio and Mr. Rivera co-owned and that Politico dubbed their “house of horrors.” When they bought it in 2005 for $135,000, they were repeatedly behind on the mortgage payments, it was almost foreclosed on at various points and they sold it last year for less than they paid for it. Also, I’m not sure exactly who officially hosted or attended but there were reportedly wild parties thrown at the house. The house sold in July for just $117,000.

Public records show that a woman named Tamara Hardy moved into the house in 2010 and lived there during the time Mr. Rubio and Mr. Rivera were trying to sell it. I have heard conflicting accounts about whether Ms. Hardy paid rent at the house or lived there because she was a friend of either Mr. Rubio or Mr. Rivera. I tried to reach Ms. Hardy for comment but was unsuccessful.

(I should also note that I sought comment from Mr. Rubio’s Senate office for this story and it directed me to his presidential campaign office. It failed to reply to a long list of questions for this story.)

I mentioned above a PAC and a bribe so let me turn to that story now, which actually involved a few of Mr. Rubio’s PACs and assorted businesses. Pay particular attention here to three key figures who were all intimate, longtime friends of Mr. Rubio’s:

Alexander Heckler, an attorney who in 2011 was found to have set up PACs that shuffled illegal straw donations to political candidates for his clients. Heckler, a lawyer and leading Florida lobbyist as well as a “Hillraiser,” the term for then-Senator Hillary Clinton’s top fundraisers, performed legal and accounting services for the treasurer of a Rubio-affiliated PAC, but only disclosed that several years afterwards, apparently to obscure his role. Heckler is also the stepson of Franklin Sands, who for many years—including the period when the story below took place—was the most powerful Democrat in the Florida House.

Joaquin Urquiola, the treasurer for the two Rubio-affiliated PACs who Heckler did work for, who at the same time was being questioned by federal regulators about his role at an Ecuadorian bank with Miami offices that was suspected of violating anti-money laundering laws by taking in cash from several South American drug cartels. Urquiola was an accountant and director of the bank, Pacific National Bank, and he and Pacific were in fact subsequently hit with fines for violating anti-money laundering laws and the Bank Secrecy Act. According to a 2011 story about the case in the South Florida Business Journal, the bank and its directors had previously been sanctioned for similar crimes and allowed “the violations to continue for years.”

The story begins in late 2002 when Jeanette Dousdebes, Mr. Rubio’s wife, incorporated a nonprofit PAC called Floridians for Conservative Leadership Committee (FCLC). She was the registered agent and only director for this short-lived entity, which the State of Florida dissolved three years later because it had failed to file an annual report. Urquiola, the executive at the bank that allowed a drug cartel to launder money, was the group’s treasurer, and Heckler quietly helped him out, according to information provided to me by the National Legal and Policy Center, a Virginia-based watchdog group that provided key research for this section of the story.


During its brief existence, FCLC raised $228,350, of which roughly $35,000 disappeared into thin air, according to the entity’s own tax returns. Its largest donor by far was a scandal-plagued PAC called OPH ($50,000) but Democratic super-lobbyist Ron Book also gave generously. Bridget Nocco, Mr. Rubio’s lobbyist pal, was paid nearly $26,000 by the PAC for salary and consulting services, according to its nonprofit tax filings with the IRS.

Shortly before its demise FCLC made two payments to a super PAC (which are known as 527s, based on the IRS rule that allows them) with a similar name, Floridians for Conservative Leadership in Government (FCLG). The latter was formed in 2004 with Marco Rubio as its president and registered agent, his wife as the VP and Urquiola as its treasurer.

In any event, the State of Florida dissolved Mr. Rubio’s 527 in 2006 because—you guessed it—it failed to file an annual report.

Many of the companies and individuals that donated to the two groups had major business interests before the Florida Legislature and the two entities had overlapping donors, such as super-lobbyist Mr. Book, and payees, such as Bridget Nocco, who netted $90,062 from the 527 for salary and consulting services.

Another notable recipient of cash from Mr. Rubio’s 527 was a company called Servicarga, which in 2004 received $3,500, which it billed for “courier services.” What’s curious here is that Mr. Rubio’s wife owned Servicarga and that, according to IRS returns and other documents, the company stopped operating in 1997.

Between October 24 and November 2 of 2006, Floridians for Real Family Values raised $244,000.

Mr. Rubio, Urquiola and Heckler were all players in another shady deal, this one involving a nonprofit PAC called Floridians for Real Family Values Inc. It was set up by Heckler in 2006—the year Mr. Rubio was sworn in as speaker of the Florida House.

For some reason Heckler failed to disclose to Florida election authorities that Urquiola was the PAC’s treasurer, but he was listed as filling that role in the group’s federal tax returns, which Heckler filed. What’s also odd is that the federal tax identification number Urquiola used for Floridians for Real Family Values’ tax return was actually the same used by the FCLG, the 527 that Mr. Rubio created and was president of, which suggests that the two entities were essentially identical.

Between October 24 and November 2 of 2006, Floridians for Real Family Values raised $244,000. Also in 2006, Urquiola incorporated a company called Florida Media Productions Group Inc., which operated out of the same address as the FCLG.

Florida Media Productions Group was established to work on behalf of political campaigns, but there’s not much evidence that the company did any work at all. It never bothered to set up a website nor did it ever create a single TV, print or online campaign ad. The only income it ever received—about $150,000—came from two Heckler’s controlled PACs, one being Floridians for Real Family Values.

All that money was paid for “consulting” services, though the payments were made long after the election year was over. Most of the money raised by Floridians for Real Family Values that didn’t go to Florida Media Productions Group—about $33,000—simply disappeared when the former was shut down.

OSKALOOSA, IA - NOVEMBER 21: Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) leaves Smokey Row Coffee House following a campaign stop on November 21, 2015 in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Yesterday Rubio participated in the Presidential Family Forum in Des Moines with six of his Republican rivals for the nomination. Rubio has several campaign stops scheduled in the state today. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Mr.Rubio would appear to be a terrible money manager. He’s made a ton of cash in politics (and spent piles of political money on what appear to be personal items, such as a family reunion he later claimed was charged to his campaign by mistake), as a “consultant,” and on two real estate deals, but records show he has serious cash flow problems.

All of this raises a lot of questions—to take an obvious one: Where does all of his money go? Whatever the answers, one thing is clear. Marco Rubio has some very, very curious and disturbing political bedfellows.

By  Source: Observer

Some Things Every Voter Should Know About Ted Cruz, Before They Vote…



In 1997, Michael Wayne Haley was arrested after stealing a calculator from Walmart. This was a crime that merited a maximum two-year prison term. But prosecutors incorrectly applied a habitual offender law. Neither the judge nor the defense lawyer caught the error and Haley was sentenced to 16 years.

Eventually, the mistake came to light and Haley tried to fix it. The State of Texas conceded that Haley’s criminal record made him ineligible for habitual offender treatment.

Ted Cruz was solicitor general of Texas at the time. Instead of just letting Haley go for time served, Cruz took the case to the Supreme Court to keep Haley in prison for the full 16 years on the grounds that he had waived the argument he now was making, having failed to raise the objection at trial or on direct appeal from his conviction and sentence. Using one of those lovely obscurities of the law, the State argued that Haley’s claim was “procedurally defaulted” which is another way of sticking your tongue out and screaming “Hah-hah, too late!”

“Is there some rule that you can’t confess error in your state?” Justice Anthony Kennedy asked. The federal district court rejected the State’s claim. It ruled that Haley’s claim fell within what is known as the “actual innocence” exception to the bar against raising defaulted claims.

Accordingly, the court ordered Texas to re-sentence Haley and he was released after six years, much to Cruz’s chagrin.

The case reveals something interesting about Cruz’s character. Ted Cruz is now running strongly among evangelical voters. But in his career and public presentation Cruz is a stranger to most of what would generally be considered the Christian virtues: humility, mercy, compassion and grace. Cruz’s behavior in the Haley case is almost the dictionary definition of pharisaism: an overzealous application of the letter of the law in a way that violates the spirit of the law, as well as fairness and mercy.

Traditionally, candidates who have attracted strong evangelical support have in part emphasized the need to lend a helping hand to the economically stressed and the least fortunate among us. Such candidates include George W. Bush, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum.

But Cruz’s speeches are marked by what you might call pagan brutalism. There is not a hint of compassion, gentleness and mercy. Instead, his speeches are marked by a long list of enemies, and vows to crush, shred, destroy, bomb them. When he is speaking in a church the contrast between the setting and the emotional tone he sets is jarring.

Cruz lays down an atmosphere of apocalyptic fear. America is heading off “the cliff to oblivion.” After one Democratic debate he said, “We’re seeing our freedoms taken away every day, and last night was an audition for who would wear the jackboot most vigorously.”

As the Republican strategist Curt Anderson observed in Politico, there’s no variation in Cruz’s rhetorical tone. As is the wont of inauthentic speakers, everything is described as a maximum existential threat.

Cruz manufactures an atmosphere of menace in which there is no room for compassion, for moderation, for anything but dismantling and counterattack. And that is what he offers. Cruz’s programmatic agenda, to the extent that it exists in his speeches, is to destroy things: destroy the I.R.S., crush the “jackals” of the E.P.A., end funding for Planned Parenthood, reverse Obama’s executive orders, make the desert glow in Syria, destroy the Iran nuclear accord.

Some of these positions I agree with, but the lack of any positive emphasis, any hint of reform conservatism, any aid for the working class, or even any humane gesture toward cooperation is striking.

Ted Cruz didn’t come up with this hard, combative and gladiatorial campaign approach in isolation. He’s always demonstrated a tendency to bend his position — whether immigration or trade — to what suits him politically. This approach works because in the wake of the Obergefell v. Hodges court decision on same-sex marriage, many evangelicals feel they are being turned into pariahs in their own nation.

Evangelicals and other conservatives have had their best influence on American politics when they have proceeded in a spirit of personalism — when they have answered hostility with service and emphasized the infinite dignity of each person. They have won elections as happy and hopeful warriors. Ted Cruz’s brutal, fear-driven, apocalypse-based approach is the antithesis of that.

Cruz’s last case as solicitor general to reach the Supreme Court has emerged as a campaign issue, as his defeat abruptly transformed from a loss to an embarrassment. Soon after the court ruled in Kennedy v. Louisiana in 2008 that the death penalty for raping a child was unconstitutional, a blogger pointed out that Congress allowed such a punishment for the same crime under military court-martial.

None of the briefs filed in the case mentioned it and neither did Cruz, who had argued in support of Louisiana on behalf of 10 states.

“Ted Cruz’s incompetent research led to the gutting of one of the toughest versions of Jessica’s Law in the nation,” Mark Miner, an adviser for Dewhurst, said last month.

Would hearing these stories undercut Cruz’s support among Republican primary voters? I really don’t know. I do know that a person who would fight such a case all the way to the Supreme Court is lacking something very basic, something important not only for Christians, but for any of us, and certainly for anyone seeking to become the most powerful individual in the world.

That thing is judgment.

Source: The New York Times. et al


Obama Confiscates Apache Helicopters From The National Guard of All 50 States – What’s Up With That?

As if the Obama administration’s purchase of more than 2 billion rounds of ammunition, and nearly 3,000 urban tanks, along with their unprecedented (and highly illegal) domestic spying program was not enough to convince you that the federal government is about to suspend the Constitution once and for all, the man who once vowed to run “the most transparent administration in history” has just rather inexplicably, ordered the U.S. Army to seize every Apache attack helicopter currently in use by the National Guard.

In all, the Defense Department will confiscate 192 Apaches from National Guard units around the country and give them to the active duty Army.

In exchange for the heavily armed and highly maneuverable choppers, Guard units will receive 111 UH-60 Blackhawk transport helicopters from the Army, Defense One reports.

A member of the House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday said the panel needs to take action to ensure it does not regret allowing the active-duty Army to take Apache helicopters away from the National Guard.

Rep. Steve Womack, R-Arkansas, said the Army’s bid to swap more UH-60 Black Hawkmissions for the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter is moving too quickly and more thought needs to go into it. Congress inserted language into the National Defense Authorization Act that postpones any significant change until after April 1, 2016.

“In my opinion the NDAA serves as a Band-Aid to what amounts to an open wound, and if the Army is allowed to transfer the aircraft after April next year they’ll probably be gone from the reserve component forever,” Womack said.

He warned that the committee needs to make sure “we don’t live to regret an action by the Army that I think will be devastating to the Guard.”

The $6.7 billion budget proposed for the National Guard next year already has come under fire not only for the loss of Apache missions, but the planned elimination of some 8,200 soldier slots.

“You take the Apaches out of the Guard and all that experience of pilots is gone. And the maintainers are gone,” NGAUS spokesman John Goheen said. If the mission goes away there is no reason for any to remain, eliminating the “strategic depth” of experience and capability that the Guard represents for the Army, he said.

Last week, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee, claiming that the measure will save taxpayers $12 billion, over the next three years.

Of course, when one considers that this ‘cost saving’ move comes from an administration which regularly runs trillion-dollar deficits and, to date, has proposed no less than 442 tax increases since taking office in January 2009, the idea of saving money for the American taxpayer is a bit hard to swallow.

So, what could be another, more reasonable explanation?

The Apache, which began service in 1986, is armed with a 30 mm M230E1 Chain Gun (with 1,200 rounds), Hellfire anti-tank missiles, and 70 general-purpose 70 mm rockets. In short, it is capable of fending-off any enemy, foreign or domestic.

Obviously, these helicopters could pose a substantial obstacle to say, a tyrant drunk on his own power, with an army at his disposal.

With the recent, attempted seizure of the Bundy family ranch in Nevada by more than 200 armed federal officers, including many snipers, we know that the Obama administration is not afraid to use force against the American people.

Furthermore, considering the unprovoked attacks and murders of U.S. citizens on their own property by federal agents, such as the Ruby Ridge and Waco massacres, we also know that the federal government has no problem suspending due process and using lethal force on its own citizens. Couple that with the as yet, unexplained, massive arms buildup by the Department of Homeland Security, and the National Defense Authorization Act which allows the feds to arrest and detain any U.S. citizen indefinitely without charges, and even the most establishment-minded American should be able to see what is coming.

There are a few governors around the country who would not stand for martial-law being arbitrarily declared by this or any president, but without any teeth (i.e. Apache attack helicopters) what could they use to stop that tyranny?

Source: Lawmaker Calls Removal of Apache Helicopters from Guard ‘Devastating’ | Military.com

The Hidden Hands that Shaped History, and Today – Watch for The Signs of The Elite…


Has the course of History been directed by a small group of people with common interests? The paintings and pictures of the great men of the past centuries reveal a common thread which links them together. Is it a coincidence that many of them hid one of their hands when posing for a portrait? It seems unlikely. We’ll look at the Masonic origin of the “hidden hand” and the powerful men who used the sign in famous portraits.



Stalin and Washington – two opposing ideologies, one hand gesture

“Today’s thinking toward a democratic world state is neither a new trend nor an accidental circumstance; the work of setting up the background of knowledge necessary to the establishing of enlightened democracy among all nations has been carried on for many hundreds of years by secret societies.”
-Manly P. Hall, Secret Destiny of America

Is there a hidden force behind the world events of the past centuries? Are the fall of European monarchies, the bringing forth of the Age of Enlightenment and our path towards a world democracy part of a great plan lead by a “hidden hand”? Before the advent of mass media, portraits depicting their leaders in majestic poses were the only artifacts people had. Do these portraits have an occult meaning?

One of those poses is the “hiding of the hand”. I remember my history teacher trying to explain why Napoleon was often shown with a hand inside his shirt.

The common explanation went along these lines:

“Many theories have been presented as to why Napoleon is traditionally depicted with his hand in his waistcoat. Some of these theories include: he had a stomach ulcer, he was winding his watch, he had an itchy skin disease, in his era it was impolite to put your hands in your pockets, he had breast cancer, he had a deformed hand, he kept a perfumed sachet in his vest that he’d sniff surreptitiously, and that painters don’t like to paint hands”
-Tom Holmberg

Unless all the individuals discussed in this article had stomach ulcer or deformed hands, the gesture of hiding one’s hand simply has to have a specific meaning. It does. Most of the people using this sign are proven (and often enthusiastic) members of the Freemasons. Considering the great importance of this gesture in Masonic rituals and the fact that all of the elite were either part of Freemasonry or knew of it, it is simply impossible that the recurrence of this sign could be the result of a coincidence. The “hidden hand” can, in fact, be found in the rituals of the Royal Arch Degree of Freemasonry and the world leaders that use this sign are subtly saying to other initiates of the order: “This is what I’m part of, this is what I believe in and this is what I’m working for”.


                             Salomon Rothschild
Biggest Name in the Game – Rothschild – Solomon clearly very proud of the Freemason and his families Illuminati funded  union – they both are the same thing now today in 2016

Salomon Rothschild was the founder of the Viennese branch of the prominent Mayer Amschel Rothschild family. The most powerful family in the world has greatly influenced the policies of Germany, France, Italy and Austria. The Rothschilds are also the main players behind the creation of Zionism and the state of Israel.

The power of the Rothschilds went way beyond the confines of the Masonic lodge. They are said to be part of the 13 “Illuminati Bloodlines”. An analysis of the recently built Supreme Court of Israel (see article here) confirms the Rothschild’s embrace of Masonic symbolism. The Rothschilds legacy is now the backbone of the Bilderberg Group.


                      The Royal Arch Degree


The Triple Tau

The Royal Arch Degree (the 13th degree of the Scottish Rite or the 7th degree of the York Rite) is also known as the Mason of the Secret. During this Degree, initiates are said to receive great Masonic truths.

“If we pass on to the Royal Arch, we receive a wonderful accession of knowledge, and find every thing made perfect; for this is the nec plus ultra of Masonry, and can never be exceeded by any human institution.”
-George Oliver, Lectures on Freemasonry

It is during this degree that the initiate learns the sacred name of God.

“A Degree indescribably more august, sublime, and important than any which precede it, and is, in fact, the summit and perfection of ancient Masonry. It impresses upon our minds a belief in the being of a God, without beginning of days or end of years, the great and incomprehensible Alpha and Omega, and reminds us of the reverence which is due to His Holy NAME.”
-George Oliver, Historical Landmarks

This holy name is Jahbulon, a combination of words meaning “god” in Syriac, Chaldaic and Egyptian.

“JEHOVAH. Of the varieties of this sacred name in use among the different nations of the earth, three particularly merit the attention of Royal Arch Masons:

1. JAH. This name of God is found in the 68th Psalm, v. 4.

2. BAAL OR BEL. This word signifies a lord, master, or possessor, and hence it was applied by many of the nations of the East to denote the Lord of all things, and the Master of the world.

3. ON. This was the name by which JEHOVAH was worshiped among the Egyptians.”
-Malcolm C. Duncan, Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor

The initiation ritual to this degree re-enacts the return to Jerusalem of three Most Excellent Masons who were held captive in Babylon. I won’t go through the whole ceremony and symbolism but at one point, the initiate is asked to learn a secret password and a hand sign in order to go through a series of veils. The following image depicts the hand sign required to go through the second veil, as documented in Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor:


“Master of Second Veil: “Three Most Excellent Masters you must have been, or thus far you could not have come; but farther you cannot go without my words, sign, and word of exhortation. My words are Shem, Japhet, and Adoniram; my sign is this: (thrusting his hand in his bosom); it is in imitation of one given by God to Moses, when He commanded him to thrust his hand into his bosom, and, taking it out, it became as leprous as snow. My word of exhortation is explanatory of this sign, and is found in the writings of Moses, viz., fourth chapter of Exodus”:

“And the Lord said unto Moses, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom; and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow”
-Malcolm C. Duncan, Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor

As stated above, this hand gesture is said to be inspired by Exodus 4:6. In this biblical verse, the heart (“bosom”) stands for what we are, the hand for what we do. It can thus be interpreted as : What we are is what we ultimately do. The symbolic significance of this gesture might explain the reason why it is so widely used by famous Masons. The hidden hand lets the other initiates know that the individual depicted is part of this secret Brotherhood and that his actions were inspired by the Masonic philosophy and beliefs. Furthermore, the hand that executes the actions is hidden behind cloth, which symbolically refers to covert nature of the Mason’s actions. Here are some of the famous men who used this hand signal.

This photo clearly shows Abraham Lincoln surrounded by Freemason”s who were plotting his death at this point, a few weeks later he would be shot by John Wilkes Booth

                      Napoleon Bonaparte


Napoleon, a known Mason in his study at the Tuileries, 1812

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a military and political leader of France whose actions shaped European politics in the early 19th century. He was initiated into Army Philadelphe Lodge in 1798. His brothers, Joseph, Lucian, Louis and Jerome, were also Freemasons. Five of the six members of Napoleon’s Grand Councel of the Empire were Freemasons, as were six of the nine Imperial Officers and 22 of the 30 Marshals of France. Bonaparte’s association with Masonry has always been played down in historical records. Masonic researcher J.E.S. Tuckett addresses the situation:

“It is strange that evidence in favor of the Great Napoleon’s membership of the Masonic Brotherhood has never been examined in detail, for the matter is surely one of interest, and – seeing the remarkable part that remarkable men played in the affairs of Europe, at a time when Continental Freemasonry was struggling out of chaos into regular order – it cannot be without an important bearing upon Masonic history”

In his essay on Napoleon and Masonry, Tuckett claims:

“There is incontestable evidence that Napoleon was acquainted with the nature, aims and organization of Freemasonry: that he approved of and made use of it to further his own ends”
-J.E.S. Tuckett, Napoleon I and Freemasonry 

Napoleon was also said to be aided by occult powers. In 1813 he was defeated at Leipzip and behind him was  a “Cabinet of Curiosities” in which a Prussian officer discovered his Book of Fate and Oraculum. Originally this Oraculum was  discovered in one of the Royal tombs of Egypt during a French military expedition of 1801. The emperor ordered the manuscript to be translated by a famous German scholar and antiquarian. From that time onward, the Oraculum was one of Napoleon’s most treasured possessions. He consulted it on many occasions and it is said to have “formed a stimulus to his most speculative and most successful enterprises.”

Napolean's Book of Fate 002

                                Karl Marx


Karl Marx is known today to be the founder of modern Communism. Despite being denied by some Masons, Marx is said to have been a 32nd degree Grand Orient Freemason. Marx became the spokesman of the atheist and socialist movement of Europe. He planned the replacement of monarchies with socialist republics, with the next step conversion to communist republics.

                        George Washington


George Washington was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and is considered to be the “most important American Mason”. Charles Willson Pealed produced this painting when Washington was 52 years old. Notice the position of Washington’s feet: they form an oblong square. The position of the feet are of utmost importance in Masonic symbolism.


Andrew Johnson, 32nd degree Freemason and 17th President of the United States. Johnson pardoned 3 of the 8 men charged in the Lincoln assassination, because the men who assassinated Lincoln were also Freemasons. First U.S. President to be impeached. His close association with Freemasonry was one of the factors that led to his impeachment trial.


                 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is considered to be one of the most prolific and influential composers of music ever. He also was a Freemason and was initiated in the Austrian lodge Zur Zur Wohltatigkeit on Dec. 14th 1784. Mozart’s creations often incorporated important Masonic elements. The Magic Flute opera was mainly based on Masonic principles.

“The music of the Freemasons contained musical phrases and forms that held specific semiotic meanings. For example, the Masonic initiation ceremony began with the candidate knocking three times at the door to ask admittance. This is expressed musically as a dotted figure: meanings. For example,



This figure appears in Mozart’s opera The Magic Flute in the overture, suggesting the opening of the Masonic initiation.”
– Katherine Thompson, The Masonic Thread in Mozart

The musical progression of The Magic Flute was based on the Golden Ratio (1,6180…), the proportion of everything that is considered divine by Mystery Schools.

Here are compositions created by Mozart for use in Masonic lodges:

  • Lied (song) “Gesellenreise, for use at installation of new journeymen”
  • Cantata for tenor and male chorus Die Maurerfreude (“The Mason’s Joy”)
  • The Masonic Funeral Music (Maurerische Trauermusik)
  • Two songs to celebrate the opening of “Zur Neugekrönten Hoffnung”
  • Cantata for tenor and piano, Die ihr die unermesslichen Weltalls Schöpfer ehrt
  • The Little Masonic Cantata (Kleine Freimaurer-Kantate) entitled Laut verkünde unsre Freude, for soloists, male chorus, and orchestra

                       Marquis de Lafayette


Marquis de Lafayette was a 33rd degree Freemason. According to Willam R. Denslow’s 10,000 Famous Freemasons, Lafayette was a French military officer who was a general in the American Revolutionary War and a leader of the Garde Nationale during the bloody French Revolution. Lafayette was also made an honorary Grand Commander of  the Supreme Council of New York. More than 75 Masonic bodies in the U.S. have been named after him, including 39 lodges, 18 chapters, 4 councils, 4 commanderies, and 7 Scottish rite bodies.

                            Simon Bolivar


Known as “El Libertador” (the Liberator), Bolivar is considered to be the “George Washington of South America”. He joined Freemasonry in Cadiz, Spain, received the Scottish Rite degrees in Paris and was knighted in a Commandery of Knights Templar in France in 1807. Bolivar founded and served as master of Protectora de las Vertudes Lodge No. 1 in Venezuela. The country of Bolivia is named after him. Bolivar also served as the president of Colombia, Peru and Bolivia in the 1820’s. He belonged to the Order and Liberty Lodge No. 2 in Peru.

Notice in the image above the position of his feet (oblong square) and the checkerboard pattern of the floor, also Masonic. His stance might have been inspired by the Knights of Christian Mark Degree as depicted below in Richardson’s Monitor of Freemasonry:



General Grant’s Hidden Hand Symbol Shows that he had been an Invisible KNIGHT. Grant’s Hand Symbol is similar to Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s….


     Charles Robert Darwin


Edgar Alan Poe

                             Joseph Stalin

Stalin’s reign of terror in the Soviet Union  lead to the deaths of millions of his own countrymen. He is often shown in pictures using the  hidden hand gesture. No official records have been found that prove Stalin’s initiation into Masonry. Of course, dictators such as Stalin tightly controlled  all information concerning themselves and their affairs, making it difficult to prove anything one way or the other. The hiding of his hand, however,  provides an initiate’s clue to his possible allegiance to an occult brotherhood.

After being shot in 1940, the young man on the right has been
edited out by Stalin’s people.


                   Hermann Göring 


         Now, Let’s move forward in time….














Tom Hardy, Carl Von Weber, The Dream, William Booth and Jimmy Savile.




                                              General Colin Powell 



Pope Francis




                                                   Barack Obama




            Paul Ryan


                                       Ted Cruz

In Conclusion

As seen above, the leaders using the “hidden hand” gesture had a great influence on world history and many were confirmed Masons. This gesture is an obvious yet widely overlooked detail which hints at the leader’s embrace of occult philosophy. By understanding this fact and by recognizing the IMMENSE influence these leaders had on the course of History, we can begin to realize the hidden force which is currently steering the world toward international democracy.

Members of these brotherhoods might have maintained different opinions and even adhered to different factions (communism vs. capitalism), but the fundamental philosophy, beliefs and ultimate goals are still the same: the coming of an “Age of Reason and Enlightenment”. Of course, any serious researcher is already aware of the role of Masonry in the unfolding of world history. The “hidden hand” gesture, so often used by historical figures is simply the outward expression of this little known fact. As  Confucius said, “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” These people’s words and policies will eventually be twisted and forgotten, but their image will remain for the ages.


Source: The Hidden Hand that Shaped History, et. al.


There actually are many more Illuminati signs, but that’s another whole story.  Just Googling “Illuminati Hand Signs” will get you started…


Hand signs of the Illuminati can be flashed in public by puppet world leaders and celebrities while the unsuspecting masses remain ignorant.

Like Illuminati symbols, only Illuminati insiders are aware of the true meanings hidden behind the signs, hand gestures or semaphores.


                                        Illuminati Minerval Pyramid

The Roc Sign is made by holding out your palms while touching both your thumbs and index fingers forming a triangle.

The pyramid is an important Illuminati symbol showing their few ruling the many on the bottom type power structure. The symbol becomes more powerful when the sign is done over an eye, representing the All-Seeing eye in a capstone floating over an unfinished pyramid.

The pyramid sign is seen by many researchers to be THE sign of the Illuminati.

Anton Lavey


celebrities illuminati satanic hand signs

celebrities illuminati satanic hand signs

Warren Buffet




Or is it all just coincidence?

                                                         Al Bundy







Additional Historical Hidden Hands References…



Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (b. 1854 – d. 1918) Freemason and one of the most influential figures in modern Occultism. One of the founders of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.  [source]

Paul von Hindenburg (b. 1847 – d. 1934) Prussia-German field marshal and statesman (German President).  [source]
Friedrich Nietzsche (b. 1844 – d. 1900) German philosopher and atheist. Nietzsche’s concept of the Übermensch (superman) later served as an inspiration to Adolf Hitler and the teachings of the Nazi Party. Note: Feet  [source]

Elisha Hunt Rhodes (b. 1842 – d. 1917) Freemason and famous Civil War Union Army Lieutenant. Rhodes was a Member and Worshipful Master of Harmony Lodge, #9, in Cranston, Rhode Island. He was also the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island in 1892-1893.  [source]

John Wilkes Booth (b. 1838 – d. 1865) Freemason and American stage actor who assassinated U.S. president Abraham Lincoln. Younger brother of Edwin Booth, also a Freemason and stage actor. Note: Because of Wilkes’ notoriety, the Freemasons have quietly removed his name from their membership records.

Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi (b. 1834 – d. 1904) Freemason and designer and sculptor of the Statue of Liberty in New York harbor. The Statue of Liberty is actually a representation of the Goddess Columbia and is coded full of secret society meanings and occult symbolism. Bartholdi was one of the early members of Lodge Alsace-Lorraine, Paris (Oct. 14, 1875) which was composed of prominent intellectuals, writers and government representatives.  [source]

James A. Garfield (b. 1831 – d. 1881). Freemason and 20th President of the United States. (Assassinated)

Giuseppe Mazzini (b. 1805 – d. 1872) Prominent Italian freemason, mafia member and politician.

Franklin Pierce (b. 1804 – d. 1869) 14th President of the United States Photo circa. 1855 Possible Freemason. (unconfirmed)
Émile Maximilien Paul Littré (b. 1801 – d. 1881) French lexicographer and philosopher.”In 1875, he applied for membership in the Masonic Lodge La Clémente Amitié (Grand Orient de France).” (…) “… his funeral was conducted with the rites of the Roman Catholic Church.”  [source]

Victor Hugo (b. 1802 – d. 1885) French poet, playwright, and novelist. Hugo was also deeply involved in the occult and mysticism. Hugo’s demented mind wrote L’Homme qui rit (The Man Who Laughs), a story about a boy whose face had been horribly shaped into a permanent smile by fiendish cosmetic butchers. This grotesque tale was the basis for Batman’s “Joker” character. It has been alleged that Hugo was not only a Rosicrucian but was also Grand Master of the occultic order known as the Priory of Sion.  [source]

William Tecumseh Sherman (b. 1820 – d.1891) Ruthless American Civil War Union general. His total war polices of “scorched earth” against the South, have earned him the reputation as the first ‘modern general’.  [source]

Giacomo Antonelli (b. 1806 – d. 1876). Powerful and influential Cardinal and Secretary of the Papal States under Pope Pius IX. Antonelli was involved in the 1865 plot to assassinate U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. Antonelli also hid a murderous associate of assassin John Wilkes Booth in the Vatican State, where he had fled, to protect him from execution by American authorities who sought his extradition.

Richard Wagner (b. 1813 – d. 1883)
Robert Anderson (b. 1805 – d. 1875) Freemason and Major General in the U.S. Army during the American Civil War. Anderson was in command of Sumter at the time of the Confederate attack. Raised in Mercer Lodge No. 50, Trenton, N.J. May 27, 1858. He was also an honorary member of Pacific Lodge No. 233 of New York City.

Napoléon III (b. 1808 – d. 1873)‎ Freemason and Emperor of France, 1852-70. Member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of France. Note: also known as Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte  [source]

Andrew Johnson (b. 1808 – d. 1875) 32° Freemason and 17th President of the United States. Johnson pardoned 3 of the 8 men charged in the Lincoln assassination. Initiated May 5th, 1851 in the Greeneville Lodge No.119, Greeneville, Tennessee. First U.S. President to be impeached. His close association with Freemasonry was one of the factors that led to his impeachment trial.  [source]

William Ewart Gladstone (b. 1809 – d. 1898) British Liberal Party statesman and four times Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1868–74, 1880–85, 1886 and 1892–94).  [source]

Stephen A. Douglas (b. 1813 – d. 1861) Freemason and U.S. Senator from Illinois, who gained fame by his debates with Abraham Lincoln. Initiated on June 11th, 1840 Springfield Lodge No. 4, Springfield Illinois. Upon his death, Douglas was buried Masonically, per his request. A monument was dedicated to him Masonically in Chicago on Sept. 6th, 1866. Fellow Freemason and then – U.S. President Andrew Johnson attended the ceremony.

Richard Wagner (b. 1813 – d. 1883) Anti-Semitic German composer, conductor, theater director, and essayist. Wagner was greatly admired by Adolf Hitler.  [source]

Mikhail Katkov (b. 1818 – d. 1880) Russian occult publisher of Moscow Gazette. Katkov brought Hindu and Theosophy teachings to Russia. He also published some books of the Russian occultist and mystic, HelenaBlavatsky   [source]

John Ruskin (b. 1819 – d. 1900) Tutor to illuminated students such as Cecil Rhodes. Advocated a world empire. Spent his later years in an insane asylum. Rumored to have been a pedophile.

Rutherford B. Hayes (b. 1822 – d. 1893) Freemason and 19th President of the United States. Only president whose election was decided by a congressional commission.

George B. McClellan (b. 1826 – d. 1885) Freemason and Major General during the American Civil War. McClellan was the Democratic nominee opposing Lincoln in the 1864 presidential election. Received all three degrees of Freemasonry Dec. 9th, 1853, in Willamette Lodge No. 2, Portland, Oregon.

James A. Garfield (b. 1831 – d. 1881) 14° Freemason and 20th President of the United States. (assassinated) nitiated in Magnolia Lodge No. 20 of Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 22nd, 1861. The third degree was conferred to him by Columbus Lodge No. 30, Nov. 22nd, 1864. Garfield received the 4-14° ASSR (Southern Jurisdiction) on Jan. 2nd, 1872 from Albert Pike, in Washington D.C. At his funeral, nearly all the officers of the Grand Commandery of Ohio, 14 commanderies of that state, and 8 commanderies from adjacent jurisdictions were present and participated in the funeral cortege.

Ignatius L. Donnelly (b. 1831 – d. 1901) U.S. Congressman, populist, and writer. In 1882, Donnelly published Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, which detailed his theories concerning the mythical lost continent of Atlantis. Donnelly is credited with initiating the Atlantis mania that became such a feature of popular literature in the 20th century and contributed to the emergence of Mayanism. (non-codified eclectic collection of New Age beliefs)

Edwin Booth (b. 1833 – d. 1893) Freemason, Shakespearean actor, and older brother of American stage actor and assassin, John Wilkes Booth. Initiated in New York Lodge No. 330 on Sept 11th, 1857. Edwin once declared, “…to be Worshipful Master and to throw my whole soul in that work, with the candidate for my audience, and the lodge for my stage, would be greater personal distinction than to receive the plaudits of the people in the theaters of the world.”  [source]


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). Freemason and Austrian composer. Poisoned, died at age 35. Mozart’s involvement in Freemasonry may have played a role in his death. Initiated in Austrian lodge Zur Wohltatigkeit on Dec. 14th 1784. Painting c. 1777. Note: Mozart’s father Leopold Mozart, was also a Freemason and composer.

Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834). 33° Freemason and French military officer who was a general in the American Revolutionary War and a leader of the Garde Nationale during the bloody French Revolution.  Lafayette was also made an honorary Grand Commander of Supreme Council of New York. More than 75 Masonic bodies in the U.S. have been named after him, including 39 lodges, 18 chapters, 4 councils, 4 commanderies, and 7 Scottish rite bodies.

Salomon Rothschild (1774-1855) – Vatican treasury banker. Wealthy Jewish(?) founder and overseer of the Vienna, Austria branch of the Rothschild clan.  Salomon Rothschild was quite possibly the paternal grandfather of Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s father’s mother was a maid in Salomon Rothschild mansion, and Salomon was a well-known womanizer. After she had become pregnant, she was abruptly dismissed. Interestingly, since this would have made Hitler part Jewish, investigating Hitler’s family tree was illegal in Nazi Germany on pain of death.

Simón Bolívar (1783-1830) Freemason. Known as the “George Washington of South America” Bolívar used genocidal terror tactics to achieve his aims. He joined Freemasonry in Cadiz, Spain and received the Scottish Rite degrees in Paris and was knighted in a Commandery of Knights Templar in France in 1807. Bolívar founded and served as master of Protectora de las Vertudes Lodge No. 1 in Venezuela. The country of Bolivia is named after him. Bolívar also served as the president of Columbia, Peru, and Bolivia in the 1820’s. Belonged to the Order and Liberty Lodge No. 2, Peru. Note: the Chequered floor.

Napoleon I (1769-1821) . Freemason and Emperor of France, 1805-14.  Napoleon’s four brothers – Joseph, Lucian, Louis, and Jerome, as well as his stepson, Eugene Beauharnais, his brother-in-law Murat, and nephew, Jerome, were all Freemason’s. Most of them held high Masonic rank.  Those who were chosen by Napoleon for high honor and office in the state were usually Freemason’s. Of the six, who, with the emperor himself, formed the Grand Council of the Empire, five were certainly Freemasons, including Arch Chancellor Prince Jean Jacques Regis Cambaceres, an enthusiastic and active Mason. Of the nine lesser imperial officers of state, six at least were active Masons. Of the marshals of France who served under Napoleon, at least 22 of the first 30 were Freemasons.

Goethe  (b. 1749 – d. 1832)

Paul Whitehead. (1710-1774) English satiric poet and prominent member of the infamous Hellfire Club. [source]
William Dawes (1745-1799). Freemason [14] and one of the three men who alerted colonial minutemen of the approach of British army troops prior to the Battle of Lexington and Concord. British POWs from the Battle of Saratoga complained to Parliament that he gave them short supplies.

John Jay (1745-1829). Co-wrote the Federalist Papers, first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.  There is no direct proof that Jay was a Freemason. However, in a letter to George Washington on April 21st, 1779 he wrote the following text which appears to have Masonic significance: “The dissolution of our governments threw us into a political chaos. Time, Wisdom and Perseverance will reduce it into Form, and give it Strength, Order and Harmony. In this work you are (in the style of your professions) a Master Builder, and God grant that you may long continue a Free and Accepted one.

Seth Read (1746-1797). The man Instrumental in putting the Latin motto and popular Masonic phrase: “E PLURIBUS UNUM” (Out of Many, One) on U.S. coins.  [source]
Baron von Knigge (1752-1796). Freemason and member of the Bavarian Illuminati.

Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794). One of the best-known figures of the bloody French Revolution. Involved in perpetuating the Reign of Terror (1793-1794). On July 28th 1794, Robespierre was executed by guillotine, without trial in the Place de la Révolution. (according to legend, the only man to be guillotined face-up).

Thomas Cochrane (1775-1860) Royal Navy officer and radical politician.  [source]

Abraham Whipple (b. 1733 – d. 1819). American revolutionary naval commander

Francisco Pizarro (1471-1541). Spanish conquistador and murderer of indigenous peoples in South America.





Up to 7 people killed, 20+ injured in shooting at Kansas company – count could grow.

Cedric Ford has been identified as the shooter responsible for killing several people at Excel Industries in Hesston, Kansas.

As many as seven people have died and up to another 20 were injured when a deranged employee returned to work at his Kansas turf care company and opened fire on his colleagues, authorities said.

The gunman has been shot dead after his rampage Thursday afternoon at Excel Industries in tiny Hesston, some 35 miles north of Wichita, Harvey County Sheriff T. Walton said. A total of of four to seven people, including the gunman, were killed, Walton said.

Cedric Ford, 38, has been identified as the shooter, according to KWCH-TV. According to his Facebook page, he worked as a painter at Excel Industries. He posted several photos and videos online of himself armed with weapons. One shows him shooting an AK-47 in a field, while another shows him sitting in the driver’s seat of a car, a bottle of booze in his lap and a semi-automatic handgun sitting on his thigh.

Two people hug after fleeing the shooting at Excel Industries in Hesston, Kansas.KWCH

Two people hug after fleeing the shooting at Excel Industries in Hesston, Kansas.

There were at least four or five crime scenes associated with the rampage, Walton said. Ford shot at least two people in cars as he drove towards Excel, then shot another person in a parking lot outside the lawn mowing manufacturer before bursting into the building and opening fire inside sometime before 5 p.m. local time, Walton said.

The gunman was shot dead by a police officer, Walton said.