Over the last couple of years, becoming somewhat “internet-famous-ish”,  has had it’s ups and downs. I love meeting people that follow us..I love it when people come up and want a picture.. because that usually means you’ve made a positive impact on them, or at least made them laugh a time or two, but I will say it’s kind of awkward when I’m in a store delivering groceries and perishable foods, and someone runs up and wants a selfie, while the customer service manager and cashiers are wondering why in the hell some lady wants a picture with a truck driver.

It’s kind of like being rich with Monopoly money.. lots of people know who you are, but you still gotta work, because believe it or not 2,500 likes on a funny Facebook post, doesn’t pay you a damn thing .. so you still have to ask to use a sick day to go do fun stuff like be on a radio show for free… which makes it super awkward the next day when you go back to work, and some older guy that you’ve worked with for 16 years that doesn’t use social media, but has an FM radio, wants to know why in the hell you were on the radio yesterday.. it’s a very humbling conversation.

For the most part, everything that I post is family related. I talk and joke about my wife and kids, and try to bring positivity to all of our imperfect and chaotic lives.. so one of the oddest parts for me, is the amount of tit pics I’ve recived, and the enemies I’ve made over the last couple years..

Don’t get me wrong, my inbox isn’t full of women wanting me to ditch my wife and her PMS hormones and run away with them and start putting up with their mood swings… and it’s not always someone telling me I’m an asshole for posting pictures of my daughter crying.. Most of my messages are great and I love reading them.. but for a guy that basically just post PG-13 material to the internet, I’ve had to deal with my share of whack jobs… Like yesterday when I was solicited sex via messenger.. I don’t know the person..& maybe it was just an ISIS account, or maybe it was a fake account.. maybe it was real. Who knows?

About 8 hours after I posted a screenshot of my reply to her, Facebook deleted my post, and said that I “didn’t follow Community standards”. So, I guess it’s okay to solicit sex on Facebook, as long as you don’t turn their offer down publicly??

I thought since this was taken down , I would post it in a Blog and also take a trip down memory lane and look at some of the other times I’ve had an opportunity to go on Troll Patrol, or just be involved in some funny conversations on facebook.

I’ll just start with yesterday’s episode…


CONTINUE HERE: The Truth About Being Facebook Famous-ish, Dealing With Trolls, And Trying To Be Nice To People That Want You To Die.


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Q Anon: “Learn to Read the Map” A Cartography of the Globally Organized Corruption Networks: A Treasure Trove of Maps, Diagrams, Org Charts, and Family Trees


The material presented below has primarily been collected the old-fashioned way: Google. Aside from Dylan Louis Monroe’s remarkably detailed “Q Web,” almost nothing is new that the the Alt Media crowd hasn’t had access to. This should not be construed as a “drop by Q Anon.”  This is a reasonably organized and presented collection of notes and diagrams from a few bloggers and memeologists, that’s it. We are not affiliated with Q Anon nor any organization.

All of this information is intended to be shared and reposted, including this article in its entirety. That said, this is a dynamic article with more maps and diagrams being added and Dylan has and will continue to provide updates, revisions, and a number of additional products. It is suggested that you link to this article so readers and researchers will have access to the newer material, but the important part is getting the bulk of the open-source information to those with ears to hear and eyes to see.

If you have additions for this collection, please get them to the Meme LabFacebook group.

Article and resource curation by the Infomaniac
Original “Q Web” map by Dylan Louis Monroe



Learn to Read the Map” A Cartography of the Globally Organized Corruption Networks: A Treasure Trove of Maps, Diagrams, Org Charts, and Family Trees

Click on the  menu box  icon at the upper right, to explore more of Halls Of Karma.

Please Follow: The Roediger Report

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Join the Trump movement go to our Facebook Group:

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