New 5 Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Filed Against MSM For Staging ‘Sandy Hook’ : Investigation

Filmmaker and Author William Brandon Shanley Launches Wave of Lawsuits for more than $1 Trillion Against Big Media Over Sandy Hook Massacre Coverage. It has been dismissed and a new $5 Trillion Suit has been filed.

Here is Mr Shanley’s Statement:“After exhaustive research, the good news is that overwhelming evidence reveals that no children or teachers died at Sandy Hook two years ago. For relief, I have filed lawsuits against the media in US District Court in New Haven for Fraud and Terrorism.


Here is an example of our abundant evidence, Exhibit D: The Connecticut State Police dash cams record no evacuation of children from school at critical moments: — Smoking Gun evidence no children died at Sandy Hook.

Mr Shanley is the producer of The Made-for-TV Election starring Martin Sheen that analyzed media coverage of the tectonic Carter-Reagan election of 1980. He is also the author of books on quantum physics, including Alice and the Quantum Cat (2011).

Dr. James Fetzer, whose 35 articles on Sandy Hook for Veteran’s Today qualify him for the highest investigative journalism awards, and School Safety Consultant, Wolfgang Halbig, whose investigative expertise as a former Florida State Police officer, and loving attention as a former principal, makes this case’s particulars comprehensible to all, will be called as expert witnesses.

Mr Shanley’s Complaint states, in part. Defendants entered into a multi-year conspiracy, meeting in groups separately and together, to commit fraud and terrorism, i.e., to brainwash the public into thinking a lone gunman drill is known as the “Sandy Hook Massacre” was real, when in fact it was a staged FEMA National Level Exercise Event that redirected government resources to terrorize the public.

These crimes were undertaken with the intent of subverting the US Constitution and to affect national, state and local laws. This fraud involved lying to the public, faking news, publishing one-sided news reports, censoring reality, suppressing facts, and deliberately skewing the news to shift public perceptions.

The true costs of this breach of integrity and trust to society are unfathomable. Instead of fulfilling their Constitutional Role as the People’s Surrogates and being honest brokers of information, the Plaintiff will show how the men and women who dominate the TV news industry in the United States broke laws, besmirched the First Amendment, their Constitutional role as government watchdogs, and forfeited the right to report the news, and thereby profit from news production and distribution. The sine qua non of journalism is the search for truth. Our Fourth Estate chose a different path.

Punitive damages of one year’s annual revenue from each Defendant are being sought to establish a News Trust, that will free journalism and restore trust and integrity to our communications sources. A democracy cannot survive this tyranny over human consciousness.

The New York Times, the Associated Press, the Hartford Courant, and the Newtown Bee are being sued for 10 billion USD, punitive damages, in a separate Complaint. The original suits were:

Case Name: Shanley v. Smith et al

Case Number:3:14-cv-01881-JAM

Filer: William Brandon Shanley

Mass TV and wire service news media are being sued for 1 trillion USD, punitive damages.

Shanley v. O’Prey et al

Case Number: 3:14-cv-01881-JAM

Filer: William Brandon Shanley

According to FBI crime statistics, there were no murders in Newtown in 2012, despite the reports of a mass shooting claiming the lives of several schoolchildren and faculty staff. This has raised suspicions, as no murders were recorded unlike in the statistics that same year for the state of Colorado, which showed that 29 murders occurred in Aurora – accounting for the mass shooting at the Century Theatre cinema during a midnight screening of The Dark Night Rises.

many suspect that the sandy hook shooting was a false flag operation  similar to that of 9 11  to garner support for gun control legislation

Another thing is the reaction by some of the parents and others involved. The most famous being the alleged father of six-year-old victim Emilie Parker, Robbie Parker, whom when speaking to CNN the day after it was believed his daughter had been fatally shot, can be seen chuckling as he walks towards the camera but the switches into a hyperventilating and distressed character in order discuss a fundraising effort in his daughter’s memory.

Bereaved father Robbie Parker is all smiles just before being interviewed only a day after daughter was gunned down…

One truthseeker who has gained a lot of media attention is former Florida State Trooper, ex Customs agent and education Director of Safety and Security Wolfgang Halbig, who has often been met with accusations of being a fraud, threats and stonewalling for his investigation of Sandy Hook and pledge for justice.

Mr Halbig isn’t your average ‘conspiracy theorist’. He was involved in the investigation into the Columbine High School massacre in April 1999. He is ideally qualified and experienced to investigate what many are calling a staged event. As well being a former Florida State Trooper who has investigated organised criminal gangs, he has been Director for School Safety and Security for the Seminole County Public Schools, a school district of approximately 65,000 students.He has also trained over 3,500 school police officers, school superintendents and school principals on behalf of the US Department of Justice.

Image result for Wolfgang W. Halbig

The school shooting expert, who has a strong background in law enforcement and 35 years of experience in education, has been refused information under the Freedom of Information Act and was chillingly threatened by plain-clothed police officers at his own home for investigating the shooting.“I got two people coming to my door, plain clothes people – I thought they were selling something. I opened the door and they showed me their badges and they tell me they’re homicide investigators and they need to have a conversation with me.”

‘Why has the FBI classified the investigation into the shootings?’ He asks in an interview with the American Free Press. ‘This has never happened before. It is a scripted event that took place’.

So, was it real, was it a false flag, we may never know for sure. Any evidence held within the shooters home or the structure of the school itself were quickly demolished.

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An updated video on the investigation has been released in 2017, providing more insights.

Read more here: Neon Nettle


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‘Weird Al’ Yankovic Turns Presidential Debate Into New Anthem: ‘Bad Hombres, Nasty Women’ {VIDEO}


The latest “Songify” clip below, from the Gregory Brothers, features Yankovic in the moderator role at Wednesday night’s debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

The Gregory Brothers wrote in the New York Times that the clip is a “terrifying space opera about bad hombres and nasty women.”

“So terrifying, in fact, that it ripped open a wormhole to another dimension, and pulled an unsuspecting Weird Al Yankovic in from his home in a parallel universe to moderate the whole thing.”

Source: The Huffington Post

For information about the war between Donald Trump and George Soros with his precious Bilderberg Group – an annual gathering of 130 of the Western world’s top financial, corporate, political, academic, media, military and policy elites, held every year since 1954 – Check out the link below:

Donald Trump vs The Bilderberg Group –  Global Showdown Exposed

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